
Jan 8, 2021

° Broken Dolls °


° Dream : Broken Dolls °

I'm around 13 years old, I'm a girl and Im wearing a long dress.

I see myself running through a forest , the feeling I get is that of fear and I notice everything has a brownish color.

I turn around while running and I see someone running after me but it looks like a doll more than a human

I see a lake or river from a distance so I try to get there as fast as I can, while running i stumble upon what looks like small dolls' legs, arms, torsos and heads. I'm in panick.

When I get close to the river/lake i try not to make noise and slowly I see an old boat filled with broken dolls and another doll rowing the boat. Theres an old lamp inside the boat. 

I get even closer, I dont know where to ask for help. I see a thick forest on the other side of the river/lake. There are broken dolls hanging from all trees and in the river/lake. 

Theres a small cabin that looks abandoned, slowly I try to find a way to cross the river/lake but the doll that's rowing the boat gets to see me.

I try running and lift my dress, then I see...that I have doll's legs too!! ...I start screaming. I wake up.

I was terrified for days after this dream and it never occurred to me that such a horrifying place could exist. 

Thing is....It does!...

Its "The Doll Island" located in Xochimilco, Mexico


... I never seen, been to or heard of this place ever before...

SK Moon


  1. This was totally creepy and scared the hell out of me omg! whats more disturbing its that you had never heard of this place before! :O

  2. OMG WTF! I will have nightmares now! =O
