
Dec 30, 2020

° Somewhere in the World °




° Somewhere in the world °

Has it ever happened to you, that you go to a place and you literally experience some sort of Deja Vu, because you have the feeling you have been there before?

You are not alone!

More over, have you seen places in your dreams that you have never been to before nor seen?

I'm with you!

Last but not least, have you seen places in your dreams that you have never visited nor seen and then you find them going through the internet and looks exactly as you saw it?

that's my case!

So i decided to make a collection of images of those places that came in my dreams and later on i found that they actually exist! °v°

I will include parts of the dreams as well 



SK Moon

Dec 29, 2020

° Scholar °


Rohan Abhilasha Tower, Wagholi - Pune, India

° Dream : Scholar °

I'm around  8 years old. I'm wearing shorts and a backpack on my back.  There are 3 other kids with me. They are all wearing similar clothes, a sort of a uniform. They are boys, so I conclude I'm a boy.

I walk under a burning sun, its afternoon and the sky is very blue

I do not know date, month or year in particular, but there is a strange feeling of the 70's around.

The 4 of us sit on a bench that is near a wide road. From there we can see this particular building. 

I have knowledge that our school is right behind us but I don't get to see it. 

The building captures my attention for some reason, till I notice that the 3 kids are gone and I'm all alone.

A hand holds my arm very tightly and drags me from the bench. I fear this person a lot. 

I wake up. 

This same dream came to me few more times. I drew this place and showed it to someone who suggested to search for a specific type of construction.

Turns out the building Is located in Wagholi, Pune - India

Thing is...

... I have never been to Pune-India...

SK Moon