
Dec 29, 2020

° Scholar °


Rohan Abhilasha Tower, Wagholi - Pune, India

° Dream : Scholar °

I'm around  8 years old. I'm wearing shorts and a backpack on my back.  There are 3 other kids with me. They are all wearing similar clothes, a sort of a uniform. They are boys, so I conclude I'm a boy.

I walk under a burning sun, its afternoon and the sky is very blue

I do not know date, month or year in particular, but there is a strange feeling of the 70's around.

The 4 of us sit on a bench that is near a wide road. From there we can see this particular building. 

I have knowledge that our school is right behind us but I don't get to see it. 

The building captures my attention for some reason, till I notice that the 3 kids are gone and I'm all alone.

A hand holds my arm very tightly and drags me from the bench. I fear this person a lot. 

I wake up. 

This same dream came to me few more times. I drew this place and showed it to someone who suggested to search for a specific type of construction.

Turns out the building Is located in Wagholi, Pune - India

Thing is...

... I have never been to Pune-India...

SK Moon

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